1 John 9/4/2022 - Even though 1 John is short, it packs much about God's love, light, and fellowshipping with Him.
The Story of Redemption 9/4/2022 - All of the Bible points to God's story of redemption- join us as we travel through it!
Vision of Glory - Psalm 96 8/28/2022 Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless His name; Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day!
Deacons: God's Gracious Gift to the Church 8/7/2022 What are deacons and what are they called to do? And why are they a gift?
A Challenge to Families 6/19/2022 Clay preaches in Proverbs as a challenge to fathers and mothers to trust in God.
1 Peter 6/5/2022 - 7/31/2022 Learn via Pastor Clay's preaching about the future hope we have in Christ Jesus in 1 Peter.
Spring 2022 3/6/2022 - 5/29/2022 All of our messages for spring 2022 that aren't related to a series or special event.
Trumpet Concert featuring Wes Lawson 1/23/2022 Watch our interim pastor Wes Lawson bless us in playing through the Gospel message.
Winter 2021-2022 12/5/2021 - 2/28/2022 All of our messages from the winter season, including Advent and the new year.
Christmas Cantata 2021 12/5/2021 Listen to and watch our choir perform Christmas Forever Amen to celebrate the birth of our Savior!
Fall 2021 9/5/2021 - 11/21/2021 Our messages from the summer, including those from our interim pastor Wes Lawson.
Loved By Him Haitian Girls Choir Concert 7/25/2021 Hear the wonderful Loved BY Him Haitian Girls Choir from the Love Him Love Them ministry.
Summer 2021 6/6/2021 - 8/31/2021 View various messages by preachers like UGA BCM campus minister Tommy Fountain, and our interim pastors Danny Hedgepeth and Wes Lawson.
Back to Foundations 2/7/2021 - 3/28/2021 We have Dr. Lex Bowen filling our pulpit for a few Sundays as he preaches about Christians getting back to our foundation in Christ.
Homecoming 2020 10/4/2020 Listen to our previous minister of music Lem LeRoy and violinist Elena as they lead a concert of worship!
Hope Sunday School Class 3/1/2020 - 3/29/2020 While we've been sheltering-in-place, one of our adult classes has been recording for their members.