Core Values

What is a Core Value?

As a church, we've come up with eight core values that sum up what we're about and what we strive for as a community and a congregation.

Our Core Values


Preaching and Teaching

We are committed that the Word of God is taught and preached in season and out of season.

Biblical Knowledge

We are committed to all members having familiarity with the truths and doctrines of Scripture.


We are committed to authentic worship of God through both regular meetings of the body and throughout every day.


We are committed to fellowship both in small groups, in discipleship, and together as a larger body.


We are committed to always be in prayer to God through Jesus Christ individually, in small groups, and corporately.


We are committed to keep with traditions that are beneficial for our church as well as traditions throughout the centuries.


We desire to spread the Word of God throughout our community and world through missions and ministry.


We desire to be unified as one local body and values through all that we say and do.